The Three A’s: Alone, Affinity & Alliance Workshop

3-hour Virtual Workshop

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About the Workshop

Racial affinity structures have become a more frequently used strategy for working toward racial justice within organizations and collaboratives. This workshop explores National Equity Project’s “3A” approach (Alone, Affinity, Across Difference), which draws from the work of Greg Peters at San Francisco Coalition of Essential Small Schools (SF-CESS). Racial affinity structures support people to do their own reflection, learning, growth and healing with others positioned similarly in a system of racism (or other facet of oppression) - building relationships and processing what is most needed and meaningful for them given their identities. When affinity spaces are created alongside ongoing “alone” work and thoughtful supports to come together across differences of identity, conditions can be strengthened for a more honest and liberated multiracial/multicultural community.  

Workshop participants will:

  • Understand and experience affinity structures within the 3A framework: learn why they are important in working to dismantle oppression, and what conditions can support them working well

  • Get connected to other people working toward racial justice across organizations

  • Explore tools, resources, and approaches to using and facilitating racial affinity groups in your context, including how to recognize and avoid common pitfalls


What Participants Are Saying

“For anyone who has doubted the value of affinity spaces, this workshop will help illuminate why it benefits not just POCs, but also everyone in our community.”

– Andrew Ignacio, Project Coordinator, Exploratorium

“NEP always helps me dig deeper to the why of the work. Sharing with my organization that affinity work is healing work with a process (three A's) that can help us create a truly liberatory culture.”

– Marvilyn Quiroz, Assistant Director, Santa Cruz County Office of Education

“I felt immediately supported by this training! The experiential component, paired with the resources and opportunities to connect with others committed to anti-racism, provided several opportunities for solidarity, sharing of ideas, and truly grounded my practice. I now feel more confident about engaging in this work with my team and am eager to continue learning how I can effectively hold space for equity work and affinity.”

– Julissa Dilone, Induction Coordinator, Teachers College


Frequently Asked Questions

  • We are excited to offer Center for Equity Leadership Virtual Workshops. Our workshops are 3-hour interactive sessions where participants will engage with a single focused topic, connect with other equity leaders around the world, and gain new tools to add to their equity practice. Workshops are bite-sized nuggets of knowledge, frameworks and tools that are delivered in a highly engaging way.

    This workshop will be delivered in a live, 3-hour interactive learning session conducted online in Zoom. Attend the live session with facilitators and fellow participants and gain new knowledge and skills to bring back to your own context. Participants receive electronic versions of all resources and tools.

    We are intensely focused on humanizing our virtual spaces. We focus on interactivity and connection (these workshops are not webinars), frequent screen and body breaks, and attending to learning, practice, and healing in community with people around the world.

    • People who are new to equity leadership and want to dip their toes in before registering for a course

    • Seasoned practitioners of equity and rebel leadership who are looking to connect with other leaders outside of their organizations

    • People who have attended or are currently attending a Center for Equity Leadership course and want to supplement their course work

  • We provide an advance draft of our slide deck 24 hours before the session and enable live transcription and closed caption during the live Zoom session. Our sessions are recorded (absent any technical difficulties) and can be accessed for up to 30 days after the course concludes.

  • Because our trainings include attention to building a learning community and interaction with other folks in small groups, we encourage full participation for the duration of the training. However, we understand that our homes and workspaces are commingling in this time. We hope participants can fully engage during sessions, but support participants to attend to their own unique needs.

  • Workshop fee: $200/registration

    You will receive a password-protected Zoom link and any other pre-reads and resources prior to the event via email.

    Registration by credit card is our preferred method. We are a small (but mighty) organization and processing and collecting check payments for our events has a high administrative impact.

    Click here for information on paying by check or purchase order.

  • Information about cancellations and registration transfers can be viewed here.

  • Reach out to us at

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