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Solāris Noire

Operations Director, Center for Equity Leadership

snoire (at)

Solāris joined the National Equity Project in 2021. Solāris believes in using interdependence and care as Black Dis/ability Feminist practices/ frameworks for collective liberation and community building. They use storytelling to explore world-making, interiority, healing, belonging and relationship to place. They hold an M.A. in Black/AFAM Studies with a certificate in Gender Studies from UC, Los Angeles and an M.A. in Education focusing on Administration and Policy from UC, Riverside.

Solāris’ previous operational/ logistical work has been in the areas of technology equity, creating inclusive work/learning environments, developing queer affirming workplaces and teaching Dis/ability Studies courses.

Solāris dreams of owning a small farm and creating space for Black folks to be at ease. They have over 80 houseplants as a personal/political practice of feeling grounded and rooted, honoring ancestral relationships to land/nature, and healing through green space.